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Fin de l'incident avec Thelogicalweb - Version imprimable

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Fin de l'incident avec Thelogicalweb - chriscas - 20/07/2012


Comme vous avez pu le constater, j'ai eu un petit différent avec le site Thelogicalweb au sujet de la parution du DVD Paris 1979. Comme nous ne sommes pas des gens bornés, nous avons discuté en privé par mail afin de faire le point de la situation et mettre un terme à cette querelle inutile. Il n'y a pas de coupable, juste une succession d'incompréhensions qui a fait que cela a dérapé.

Nous ne sommes donc plus fâchés, Abel, Juan et moi et cet incident est de l'histoire ancienne. Cela me convient car j'ai toujours estimé, et je continuerais à le faire, le travail produit par Abel et Juan. Par honnêteté, et ainsi que me l'a demandé Juan, je vous mets copies des deux mails qui ont scellé cette réconciliation.

Mail d'Abel du 19 juillet,

Hello Christian, and thanks for your quick and kind reply.

I am using this email account now, since Juan has given it to me this morning.

Unluckily I don’t know too much your website and your forum (I don’t speak French), although last year I was in contact with Nicholas Ritter. However, my friend and partner Juan Lago, who is the founder of The Logical Web and the webmaster of our social media in Twitter, Facebook and MySpace, uses to take a look everyday at lots of Supertramp sites in the world.

I don’t want to justify Juan for his behaviour regarding this issue, but I think you understand he can be a little annoyed when he sees that the news we have announced by ourselves after having worked hard and contacted with many people from the Supertramp world are echoed by other websites without mentioning the source.

Said that, I believe you when you say that you mentioned The Logical Web since the very first moment both in your forum and Facebook (although I didn’t like your comment “Info or intox?”), so probably it was just a mistake by Juan while reading your posts. We apologize for that, but please believe that Juan only wanted to clarify that the news had been announced by The Logical Web, and he didn’t want to have a quarrel with you.

Some fans have told us that you gave us your support in your forum when we had a confrontation with Harmonic Management a couple of months ago, and we want to thank you for that. That’s why we can’t understand why you wrote yesterday on your Facebook that Roger’s team did the right thing repudiating us. We hope you don’t feel it really.

In short, I am sure that this has been only a misunderstanding between you and Juan, and we would like to making peace and getting on well with you and Nicholas. Music is the most important thing, and we (all the Supertramp fans from France, Spain and every country in the world) should be united around those wonderful songs written by Roger and Rick.

Thank you for your attention and please let’s forget this unpleasant incident… And, of course, enjoy the “Live in Paris” DVD!

Best regards,

Ma réponse du 19 juillet,

Hello Abel,

Thank you for your message. I wish to bring some precision.

Concerning the title " info ou intox ", there was nothing against Thelogicalweb.. I do not know your sources (and I do not
have to know them) and it has been a long time since we wait all for this DVD Paris 1979. It was logical, after this new
announcement of the release of the DVD, to have a doubt, not against you, but on the sources of the information. If the
DVD goes out, it is information, if it does not go out, it is brainwashing. It wanted to say nothing about the other one.

For the rest, it happens to say things under the disappointment and the anger. You can consider that my writings have been
under the heat of anger.

To finish, I respect the work of Thelogicalweb. It is for it that I quote your site when it gives an information.

I would publish your message and my present answer if you're agree. I wait for your agreement.

Best regards,


Je laisse le dernier mot à Abel :

Hi Christian,

Thank you for your email. I'm glad that we have been able to understand each other and get on well. Yes, please post both messages on your forum.

As for me and Juan, this unpleasant incident is forgotten.


Clin d’oeil

Re: Fin de l'incident avec Thelogicalweb - cathy - 20/07/2012

je n'ai pas compris les mails (je ne parle pas l'anglais), mais l'important est que vous soyez réconciliés :ange:

Re: Fin de l'incident avec Thelogicalweb - cbell35 - 21/07/2012

Très bonne nouvelle !!!